Principal Speak

Dear Parent,

It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to welcome you to Maharaja Agrasen Public School, a venture of Agarwal Pathshala Sabha, Ajmer

Education in early years is a vital stage in a Childs development, laying the foundation for life. We at MAPS believe in making it a hugely positive and rich experience for the children where excellence in teaching, is fused with joyful Learning. We also believe that partnership with parents is critical to help children achieve as full as they possibly can. You have an important role to play in setting aspirations and expectations for your children and in stimulating their learning. We encourage you to work closely with the school and get involved in your Childs learning through parent teacher meetings, sport and cultural meets and other initiatives which keep you informed about your Childs progress.

Education of children is a "Shared responsibility" of the school and home, your co- operation is therefore sought in helping your children to learn by ensuring that they are punctual, attend school regularly and behave well. You have a critical role in teaching children good behavior which includes respecting school property, respecting their elders respecting & caring for others, working co-operatively, & avoiding quarrels or fights. We want to develop a school ethos where children know what is expected of them and how they ought to behave

With this appeal to you, dear parent, let us endeavour to help your child gain success in learning and in life.

Yours sincerely

